Movie Review: Charlotte [2021]

 52nd IFFI Review: Charlotte by Simon Franco

Reviewed by Bodhisattya Pal

If there exists an opposite movie of Sunset Boulevard, then that is Charlotte! Initially expected that it would be a tale of regret, grief and gone days. But this Paraguayan movie turned out to be a completely different affair.

Surprisingly Charlotte actually is a road movie with a story of unplanned journey full of absurd turns. An actress, who is in the evening of her career, decided to return in acting through a movie close to her heart.

The authenticity of Charlotte is that it always holds a hopeful tone within; here our forgotten actress is strong in her intent. The movie doesn't bring back the ghost of the past, but actually shows a new way. Thus Charlotte, the actress actually got more in the journey, than she aimed for. Not only her; but all those characters who crossed the path in Charlotte's journey, find a way in their life; as if Charlotte's arrival gave a push in their motionless boat; from that aspirant boxer to the ad director. And for this reason, I think this movie is a winner.

The noteworthy operatic background score was the second most important driving force of this movie; the first was offcourse Angela Molina's spectacular performance. From Charlotte, I can say Simón Franco has a very distinct syle of film making, which purposeful and absolutely effective. Overall Charlotte is a bright, funny and optimistic movie about self exploration which is authentic and thoroughly enjoyable.

Practicing cinematic meditation amidst the chaos of the world! Currently studying B.Sc Agriculture in the Banaras Hindu University and trying to compose some scattered musical pieces.

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