Movie Review: Semkhor [2021]

 52nd IFFI Review: Semkhor by Aimee Baruah

Reviewed by Bodhisattya Pal

An apparently beautiful looking village, submerged in the darkest abyss of rituals, superstition, credulity and a one woman effort to eliminate the curse of a village. Raw, merciless and terrifying; Semkhor is a remarkable Indian movie for numerous reasons!

Every praise of the world will be insufficient describing the utter brilliance of Aimee Baruah! The director cum writer cum lead actress is actually the heart and soul of Semkhor. Apart from the spectacular direction and breathtaking writting, she delivered one of the finest performance I have seen this year; bold, gut wrenching and visceral.

Making a movie in an unconventional language like Dimasa is a monumental task itself. Combating the adversity of the nature, convincing the protective local peoples; I can't even imagine how the makers manged it. But their hard work is evident in every frame of Semkhor. The movie protrayed the indigenous culture, tradition and life of the region masterfully; even some intensely researched documentaries fail to do it such precisely.

Semkhor followed an intense and effective story telling methodology; building the ambience, defusing the horror in the air slowly and making the audience restless, uncomfortable! Inspite of its dark undertone, Semkhor is majorly subtle and beautiful. Technically too, Semkhor is a movie of high quality; the makers didn't compromise a bit and provided a world class treatment to it.

Semkhor is brilliant in every aspect; a milestone movie for Indian cinema which is powerful, fearless and striking. Aimee Baruah is an extraordinary talent to watch.


Practicing cinematic meditation amidst the chaos of the world! Currently studying B.Sc Agriculture in the Banaras Hindu University and trying to compose some scattered musical pieces.

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